Saturday, February 17, 2018

Horseshoe Falls

Via: Peter Quinton

Horseshoe Falls near Govetts Leap, Blue Mountains NP
In the early morning, the head of a horse can be imagined on the cliff face (center, left, lower). Having thrown a shoe, its foot is cooling at the base of this fall. Apart from descending into the jungle at the base of this fall, the best vantage place for this fall is at Barrow Lookout or from the air. With a small catchment, this fall is often dry, or very slight. It is best viewed after rain. This is a significant single drop, in the order of 200m (600') (?).
There are a couple of other falls with this name in the vicinity.
The official signage to this fall is very dodgy. The signs will take you to the top of the falls (down a cliff face path that was partially collapsed last time i looked) and even if you made it to the top of the falls it would be foolhardy to attempt a photograph over the edge. Start instead at Govetts Leap and walk away from the falls to Barrow Lookout (just past the falls on Govett Creek).

Handheld panorama, developed with VSCO film emulation Fuji Velvia 100 Landscape. This process deepened the contrast between lit and unlit areas of the cliff face, but also darkened the jungle below.

Фото профиля пользователя Zsuzsanna Rozsnyai
Fantasztikusan szép ez a felvétel fény + árnyék +++++++ a többiről nem is beszélve csucs.... 
Фото профиля пользователя Ann Pollak
About 4 seconds to the deck: enough for a quick prayer.
Фото профиля пользователя Flo Franc
Really beautiful! Here, we have some waterfalls, especially on the northern side of the Gaspesie... I was on the road yesterday and I saw a couple where there was a lot of water... with snowmelt and a lot of rain in the last two weeks (some areas of Quebec are experiencing flooding that causes a lot of problems), falls are very powerful. Unfortunately, I did not have time to stop to take pictures... Another time, maybe!
Have a nice new week Peter! :-))) 
Фото профиля пользователя madelene jeffery
Wonderful photo!  
Фото профиля пользователя Peter Quinton
+Zsuzsanna Rozsnyai jagerné it is a beautiful place :) 
Фото профиля пользователя Peter Quinton
+Ann Pollak of course, it is not the fall that kills you, but the sudden stop. Having regard to wind resistance, and depending on what you ate last, you might be looking at 6+ seconds. Which might be long enough to check wiki and invoke a dropped turtle (or hare, cant remember which now) first and rely on pure mathematics (* not Floyds algorithm, the other one). 
Фото профиля пользователя Peter Quinton
+Flo Franc you live in a beautiful part of the world :) Please don't take any risks with your waterfalls, your Canadian ones look very powerful. Have a great week Flo! 
Фото профиля пользователя Peter Quinton
+madelene jeffery this is a pretty stream - i will try to get a little closer next time :) 
Фото профиля пользователя Klara Moody
+Peter Quinton​..This waterfall
and its sheer drop is scares me
even looking at it only on this photo..
A great capture 
Фото профиля пользователя madelene jeffery
+Peter Quinton with care Im sure😊 
Фото профиля пользователя Peter Quinton
+Klara Moody as i travel deeper into these places, i am beginning to realize how terrifying some of them really are, and i find myself moving slower and taking more precautions.
Still, even so, it is easy to make a mistake. This weekend i climbed out onto a rock ledge while photographing the waterfalls off the old volcano Canobolas. While the way out to the ledge was safe, try as i might, i could not return safely. Instead, i ended up having to climb up the bottom waterfall without ropes :( It way not very far, and it did not involve any great risk, but even a small drop can twist a leg or make it very hard to retrace your steps to get help. I try to learn from those types of error :) 
Фото профиля пользователя Peter Quinton
+madelene jeffery i was thinking of looking up at it from the jungle below :) What could go wrong down there? 
Фото профиля пользователя madelene jeffery
+Peter Quinton Yes, what could...
Фото профиля пользователя shonie Hutter
Tread carefully~~~~~ 
Фото профиля пользователя Ann Pollak
+Peter Quinton I think you had better check out whether tortoise or hare before you get to the top. Not sure the data speed in that location will be enough, even if you are wearing baggy clothing. 
Фото профиля пользователя Klara Moody
+Peter Quinton​...Please.Please
Take care..I know your inquisitive mind likes to ..Dare..
However..I am sure you are aware of the consequences
It is not worth a FALL or worth still a fatal accident 
Фото профиля пользователя Monique Helfrich
What a mysterious dark blue background .
I had à second look on the collection Waterfalls and Cascades, this evening . You did really à great work . I'm lost in admiration , you made uneasy walks, uneasy photos ... and the résultats is marvelous . Thanks for doing, editing and sharing , for our pleasure . 
Фото профиля пользователя Miguel Ángel Bueno
Muy bonita foto. Saludos.

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